What is Dexta?
Hello Dexta-ers
We’re excited to introduce you to the Dexta mini-series. With the launch fast approaching, we decided to tell our community of what’s to come, explain why Dexta is such a game-changing DEX, and more!
Today, most decentralized changes in DeFi use automated market-making such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap which is a great innovation for providing liquidity in markets, but these automated markets are missing a crucial ingredient that traders and market makers are looking for — order books. Order books are what provide flexibility, directional liquidity, and freedom for market makers to participate and allow for advanced trading strategies.
For DeFi to keep growing and eventually eliminate CeFi (centralized finance), this revenue from centralized exchanges has to migrate to Defi. Dexta aims to make this a reality.
The above is a snapshot of what to expect in the weekly, mini-series. These are designed to highlight the key features of Dexta. We’ll be starting by explaining the following concepts: order books, margin trading and scaling.
To be the first one to hear about these feature highlights, make sure to follow our socials.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dextatrade
Medium: https://dexta.medium.com
Telegram: https://t.me/dexta_trade